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Cost of Attendance Tables

Undergraduate students who first enrolled in Fall 2022, Spring 2023, or Summer 2023

The tables below illustrate the estimated cost of attendance for the 2025-2026 academic year (August-May) for an undergraduate student enrolled for 15 hours for fall and spring semesters. The tuition is locked in based on the 2022-2023 rates. Fees, Food and Housing, Books, and Transportation are based on the 2025-2026 rates. 

  • On-campus, Illinois resident





    Food and Housing


    Direct/Billable Costs


    Books and Supplies
    Personal Expenses
    Indirect Costs
    Total Estimated Costs


  • Off-campus, Illinois resident





    Direct/Billable Costs


    Food and Housing


    Books and Supplies


    Personal Expenses
    Indirect Costs


    Total Estimated Costs


  • On-campus, non-resident





    Food and Housing


    Direct/Billable Costs


    Books and Supplies
    Personal Expenses
    Indirect Costs
    Total Estimated Costs


  • Off-campus, non-resident





    Direct/Billable Costs


    Food and Housing


    Books and Supplies


    Personal Expenses
    Indirect Costs


    Total Estimated Costs


Key Terms

  • Tuition & Fees

    Tuition and fee amounts listed are estimates based on 15 credit hours (undergraduate) or 9 hours (graduate).

  • Food & Housing

    Food and housing for off-campus students is paid by the student directly to the landlord/property manager/family member. The amounts listed are estimates and reflect average costs; individual experience will vary.

    On-campus amounts are based on average cost for housing and the unlimited meal plan.

  • Books & Supplies, Transportation, and Personal Expenses

    These costs are not paid to the University, but to the seller or provider of the service.