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Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) Programs

The ISAC Student Portal is where most of the applications for these programs can be found. This portal also offers additional resources to help with college planning.

Programs by Type

Dependent Programs

Displaced Energy Worker Scholarship - For a child, including adopted and stepchildren, of a parent who was laid off from a retiring power plant or a closing coal mine.

Grant Program for Dependents of Correctional Officers - For the spouse or child of an Illinois correctional officer who was killed or became at least 90 percent disabled in the line of duty.

Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers - For the spouse or child of an Illinois police or fire officer who was killed or became at least 90 percent disabled in the line of duty.

Military Programs

Deceased, Disabled & MIA-POW Veterans’ Dependents Scholarship - For the dependents of veterans who are either Missing In Action, a Prisoner of War, died while on active duty, 100% disabled due to service connected disabilities, or died as a result of a service connected disabilities.

Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant - For active members of the Illinois National Guard (Army or Air) to cover tuition and some fees.

Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG) - For honorably discharged veterans who meet certain service requirements and lived in Illinois for at least six months before entering the service and returned to Illinois within six months of military discharge.

Nursing Programs
Nursing Education Scholarships - A state program designed to increase the number of nurses available for employment in Illinois by offering scholarships to overcome financial barriers to education for students that demonstrate the greatest financial need among qualified students.
Teacher Education Programs
These programs are gift aid that do not require the student to have financial need; however, repayment is required if the recipient does not complete the required teaching obligation.
ISAC offers a chart that compares all of the below programs, which can be found here.

Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program - A state program for those who are currently working or have worked in the early childhood education field and are seeking additional credentials and degrees.

Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois - A partnership between the Golden Apple foundation and the state of Illinois which provides awards for students with the promise and drive to be excellent teachers in high-need schools. More information can be found here.

Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver (SETTW) - A state program for undergrade and graduate students who plan to teach Special Education in Illinois. The priority application deadline is March 1, 2025 .  

Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program - A state program for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students who plan to teach in Illinois with at least a 30% minority enrollment. The priority application deadline is March 31, 2025.

Technology Programs
iGROW Tech Scholarship - A state program for students who pursuing Information Technology (IT) and related careers